
Here you can download all current program versions for our products for free.

Updates for Vasco da Gama 18

Updates for Vasco da Gama 17

Updates for Vasco da Gama 16

Updates for Vasco da Gama 15

Updates for Vasco da Gama 14

Updates for Vasco da Gama 13

Updates for Vasco da Gama 12

Updates for Vasco da Gama 11

Updates for Vasco da Gama 10

Updates for Vasco da Gama 9

Updates for Vasco da Gama 8

Updates for Vasco da Gama 7

Updates for Vasco da Gama 6

Updates for Vasco da Gama 5

Updates for Vasco da Gama 4

Updates for Vasco da Gama 18

Vasco da Gama 18.02

Date: 06.02.2025
Update: Vasco da Gama 18.02
File size: approx. 5.2 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Included changes in version 18.02:

  • Bugfix: When the mountain landscape was switched on, the object could bounce in flight mode.

Included changes in version 18.01:

  • Bugfix: In the English/French language, a crash occurred when switching to the camera menu.

Updates for Vasco da Gama 17

Vasco da Gama 17.10

Date: 07.11.2024
Update: Vasco da Gama 17.10
File size: approx. 5.2 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Included changes in version 17.10:

  • Bugfix: Separate shaders for NVIDIA/Intel and AMD (due to AMD graphics card driver error).

Included changes in version 17.09:

  • Bugfix: Workaround for AMD graphics driver error.

Included changes in version 17.08:

  • Bugfix: Added a query to the start screen to prevent a crash if a server error 503 occurs.

Included changes in version 17.07:

  • Bugfix: In Easy Assist mode, a crash occurred when using the automatic camera correction if no waypoints had been set yet.
  • Changed: Small text change for the codec selection when outputting the video.

Included changes in version 17.06:

  • Changed: Improved calculation of cornering for airplanes and motorcycles.

Included changes in version 17.05:

  • Bugfix: Further adjustments for static objects, some of which were not displayed at the correct size.
  • Bugfix: In some cases, no further stages could be created within the route.

Included changes in version 17.04:

  • Bugfix: Further adjustments for static objects, some of which were not displayed at the correct size.
  • Bugfix: In some cases, no further stages could be created within the route.

Included changes in version 17.03:

  • Added: Added mirroring for images.
  • Bugfix: Mirroring for texts improved.
  • Bugfix: Static objects were sometimes not displayed at the correct size.

Included changes in version 17.02:

  • Bugfix: The text for the "Fly Out time" was wrong.
  • Bugfix: Head object did not point in the correct direction when calm movement was switched on. (Came with update 17.01)
  • Bugfix: In some cases, projects were not loaded correctly, causing the preview in the editor view to remain black.

Included changes in version 17.01:

  • Changed: New calculation function for motorcycle and airplane mode for better results.
  • Bugfix: If the last waypoint was deleted from a route with 2500 waypoints, the system crashed.

Updates for Vasco da Gama 16

Vasco da Gama 16.08

Date: 25.05.2023
Update: Vasco da Gama 16.08
File size: approx. 5.2 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Included changes in version 16.08:

  • Bugfix: For static texts, automatic alignment to the camera was used.

Included changes in version 16.07:

  • Bugfix: Show/hide multiple cards did not work correctly.
  • Bugfix: Imported images were shown upside down.
  • Bugfix: When copying a route, the route styles were not separated correctly, which meant that both routes were always affected when changes were made.

Included changes in version 16.06:

  • Bugfix: In Easy Assist mode, the static and simple camera did not work correctly.

Included changes in version 16.05:

  • Bugfix: When using multi-routes, the elevation data for the route lines was not completely loaded in rare cases.
  • Bugfix: The automatic camera guidance was sometimes not synchronized with the route.
  • Bugfix: Texts were not displayed with Intel HD graphics.

Included changes in version 16.04:

  • Bugfix: When deleting and adding stages, errors occurred when using multiple routes.
  • Bugfix: Wurde der letzte Kamerapunkt zeitlich nach vorne korrigiert, dann wurde das Wasser nur noch weiß dargestellt.
  • Bugfix: Errors occurred in the camera settings when switching from automatic to manual camera when using the FlyIn function.
  • Bugfix: The flat map mode was only displayed in white. The bug came with the update V16.03.

Included changes in version 16.03:

  • Changed: The arrow buttons in the camera view (editor) now move to the waypoints again and no longer to the camera points.
  • Bugfix: In the camera settings, the objects and texts are now always displayed regardless of navigation buttons.
  • Bugfix: Shader adapted for the latest AMD Radeon drivers. The water was displayed white and route line and text were not visible.
  • Bugfix: Error when deleting stages fixed.
  • Bugfix: When adding or deleting camera points, the GUI below was partially painted over.
  • Bugfix: The fade in/out area for maps is now calculated correctly.

Included changes in version 16.02:

  • Bugfix: When the mountain landscape was switched on, incorrect height information was generated in places for the route line and head object.

Included changes in version 16.01:

  • Bugfix: Own maps were partly not deleted correctly.

Updates for Vasco da Gama 15

Vasco da Gama 15.17

Date: 09.01.2023
Update: Vasco da Gama 15.17
File size: approx. 39.3 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Included changes in version 15.17:

  • Bugfix: Shaders adapted for the latest AMD Radeon drivers. Cards in flat card mode were not displayed.

Included changes in version 15.16:

  • Bugfix: The fade-in/fade-out area for cards is now calculated correctly.
  • Bugfix: Shaders adapted for the latest AMD Radeon drivers. Water was displayed white and route line and text were not visible.

Included changes in version 15.15:

  • Bugfix: With very long route distances, a crash could occur.

Included changes in version 15.14:

  • Bugfix: In rare cases, the route line was displayed in front of other objects, although it should be behind them.
  • Bugfix: Intel HD graphics: Clouds were displayed in black.
  • Bugfix: Intel HD graphics: Water was displayed white when the water waves are turned off.
  • Bugfix: Intel HD graphics: Moon was not displayed correctly.
  • Bugfix: MAC Parallels: Night side was not displayed correctly.

Included changes in version 15.13:

  • Bugfix: When importing GPS tracks, waypoints no longer become breakpoints if no texts are transferred.

Included changes in version 15.12:

  • Bugfix: Maps created by VSM due to defective tms.xml file were not displayed correctly.
  • Bugfix: Display errors occurred in the video when the window was minimized during creation.

Included changes in version 15.11:

  • Bugfix: When creating a waypoint for the GPS database, the preview view became black.

Included changes in version 15.10:

  • Bugfix: During preview, it could happen that the camera height changes abruptly.

Included changes in version 15.09:

  • Bugfix: During the deletion of the first stage there was a crash.

Included changes in version 15.08:

  • Added: WEBP support for TMS and MBTILES format.
  • Added: WEBP support to import images.
  • Bugfix: If the stage time was changed later, the route line was not adjusted correctly.

Included changes in version 15.07:

  • Bugfix: When importing old projects with multiple routes, the route times were not set correctly.
  • Bugfix: Fixed minor issues when using the drone camera.
  • Changed: The "Reverse route" function has been completely revised.
  • Added: Remember and save WindowRestoreSize.
  • Added: Completely new Undo function added.

Included changes in version 15.06:

  • Bugfix: Fixed bug with simple/drones/advanced camera tracking.
  • Bugfix: Fixed an error in the calculation of the camera height.

Included changes in version 15.05:

  • Bugfix: In rare cases, the route line was drawn too far in flat map mode at the end of time.
  • Bugifx: Special characters like "üöäß" could not be used for path/file names in mbtiles databases.
  • Bugfix: Aspect ratio 21:9 could not be displayed correctly.
  • Bugfix: When changing the aspect ratio, the globe could be displayed incorrectly for a short time.

Included changes in version 15.04:

  • Bugfix: When loading a project, the camera settings were sometimes not applied correctly.
  • Bugfix: Minor adjustment to show correct camera position and times.
  • Bugfix: No base map was displayed in map customization mode.
  • Bugfix: Fixed more minor bugs in map customization mode.
  • Bugfix: Water reflections could not be turned off.

Included changes in version 15.03:

  • Bugfix: Adapting old projects for map blending.

Included changes in version 15.02:

  • Bugfix: The shadow of objects disappeared in certain situations.

Included changes in version 15.01:

  • Bugfix: Fade in/out of custom maps did not work.
  • Bugfix: Sights could not be displayed in original size.

Updates for Vasco da Gama 14

Vasco da Gama 14.14

Date: 01.11.2021
Update: Vasco da Gama 14.14
File size: approx. 10 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Included changes in version 14.14:

  • Bugfix: Fixed an error when you set the manual camera setting.

Included changes in version 14.13:

  • Bugfix: Orthodromic routing did not work correctly.

Included changes in version 14.12:

  • Bugfix: The preview images were not always calculated correctly when using manual camera movements.
  • Bugfix: When copy&paste in the route menu, GUI elements of the camera were displayed.

Included changes in version 14.11:

  • Bugfix: When switching off the route, display errors could occur.

Included changes in version 14.10:

  • Bugfix: In very rare cases, miscalculation occurred with the head object.

Included changes in version 14.09:

  • Bugfix: In the camera menu, the drone camera in flat map mode led to endless shooting.

Included changes in version 14.08:

  • Bugfix: In the close-up area, the textures were not always displayed correctly for static lines.
  • Bugfix: At close range, a flat line was partially visible only halfway.
  • Bugfix: In Search Places, crashes could occur when searching for certain place names.

Included changes in version 14.07:

  • Bugfix: Fixed jerky route line.

Included changes in version 14.06:

  • Bugfix: In very rare cases there was a problem with the cache for the elevation data.
  • Bugfix: In automatic and simple camera mode, the times for intermediate points were not calculated correctly in individual cases.
  • Bugfix: Camera settling could cause jerking during fast movements.

Included changes in version 14.05:

  • Bugfix: In some cases, the coordinates of free objects and texts were not displayed correctly.
  • Bugfix: In the free objects and texts, the latitude switch did not always work correctly.

Included changes in version 14.04:

  • Bugfix: Flickering could occur with overlapping route lines.

Included changes in version 14.03:

  • Bugfix: Dynamic time data for the sun from projects of VdG13 were not taken over correctly.

Included changes in version 14.02:

  • Bugfix: When saving the project, the wrong version identifier was used, thus some settings were not applied correctly.
  • Bugfix: Multiselect in the preview images in camera mode was not possible.

Updates for Vasco da Gama 13

Vasco da Gama 13.12

Date: 01.10.2020
Update: Vasco da Gama 13.12
File size: approx. 67 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Included changes in version 13.12:

  • Bugfix: When using the keys "Pos1", "End", "Picture up" and "Picture down" wrong camera settings and sun positions were displayed.
  • Bugfix: With ATI/AMD Radeon graphics cards the clouds on the horizon were displayed black.

Included changes in version 13.11:

  • Bugfix: Fixed a small error in the route display in the close-up range that came with V13.10.

Included changes in version 13.10:

  • Bugfix: When switching the mountain landscape on/off, the height positions of the objects are not set correctly.
  • Bugfix: In the close range for small distances the route line was only drawn inaccurately.
  • Bugfix: When the mountain landscape was switched on, the route line was displayed frayed out in the close range.
  • Bugfix: No more than 10 different route types could be used.
  • Bugfix: The movement speed of the waves is now always identical regardless of the selected fps.
  • Bugfix: When zooming in with the mouse wheel it could happen that the camera was positioned below the earth's surface.
  • Bugfix: In certain cases it could happen that after switching on the mountain landscape, the camera was positioned below the earth's surface.

Included changes in version 13.09:

  • Bugfix: If VdG was terminated in full screen mode, it was not restarted in full screen mode the next time.
  • Bugfix: When creating new camera points, it could happen that the times were mixed up if a previous camera point had an additional hold time.
  • Bugfix: When using faded route lines, switching to the camera settings could cause a crash.
  • Bugfix: In some cases Mercator maps were not imported correctly.
  • Added: With old 32Bit object packages, a message is output that they are not suitable and will be ignored.
  • Added: Warning message when using Intel HD graphics.

Included changes in version 13.08:

  • Bugfix: In certain cases it could happen that head objects change their size in the process, although they are set to "static".
  • Bugfix: The drawing bar for the time was partly drawn beyond the area.
  • Bugfix: Static objects (like compass rose) were not displayed with AMD/ATI Radeon graphics card.
  • Bugfix: At certain camera angles it could happen that the shadow was not calculated correctly.

Included changes in version 13.07:

  • Bugfix: In some cases water waves/reflections were displayed incorrectly.
  • Bugfix: Reflections of particles on the water are now displayed correctly.
  • Bugfix: In some cases particles were no longer displayed.

Included changes in version 13.06:

  • Bugfix: The route line was not displayed correctly for routes in close range.
  • Bugfix: The black and white dotted line was sometimes not displayed completely.
  • Bugfix: MiniHelp could not be switched on again.
  • Bugfix: Display of the video safe area could not be switched on.

Included changes in version 13.05:

  • Optimized: ProgressBar has been optimized, thereby accelerating other functions significantly in some cases.
  • Changed: The Earth's atmosphere is now off by default in "Simple Map Mode".
  • Changed: German designations for the Austrian federal states added.
  • Bugfix: On very long routes the line could look a little frayed.
  • Bugfix: Mercator maps were not recognized correctly and therefore could not be imported.
  • Bugfix: In "Simple Map Mode" the water waves were not turned off.
  • Bugfix: During a 180° aircraft turn at the breakpoint, the object rotated before.

Included changes in version 13.04:

  • Added: If the mountains are subsequently switched on in a project, all flat lines are automatically converted to square lines.
  • Added: In the window "Search for places" the search is automatically started after entering the place name and confirming with the Enter key.
  • Bugfix: Texts and position for water settings were not correct.
  • Bugfix: When loading old projects, the altitude was not set to 100% in automatic flight mode.
  • Bugfix: Crossfading of maps was calculated incorrectly.
  • Bugfix: If the line is switched off at the start point, then it could happen that the dashed line was not displayed either.
  • Bugfix: OceanResize did not work correctly and often caused crashes, especially when previewing.

Included changes in version 13.03:

  • Optimized: On very long routes the FPS could drop very much.
  • Bugfix: When loading projects, a crash could occur if a head object was set but did not contain any data.
  • Bugfix: When calculating the route, a crash could occur if the route was over 360°.
  • Bugfix: The cards were displayed mirror-inverted in the "Adjust cards " window.
  • Bugfix: When the route was switched off just before the end, the entire route could no longer be displayed.

Included changes in version 13.02:

  • Optimized: Improved GUI query for more FPS.
  • Bugfix: Water on the horizon turned white.
  • Bugfix: Zoom function of Windows did not work on all systems.
  • Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the Italian text that caused a crash.

Included changes in version 13.01:

  • Added: The zoom function of Windows is now supported.
  • Bugfix: UHD monitors show the upper part of the sea in white.
  • Bugfix: Reflections of objects on the horizon disappeared too early.

Updates for Vasco da Gama 12

Vasco da Gama 12.02

Date: 18.12.2019
Update: Vasco da Gama 12.02
File size: approx. 9.26 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. Vasco da Gama 12 Advanced, Vasco da Gama 12 HD Professional and Vasco da Gama 12 HD Ultimate are thus recommended to users. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Included changes in version 12.02:

  • Bugfix: The font size in simple map mode was set too small.
  • Bugfix: The switch for the year at the sun position was not complete.

Included changes in version 12.01:

  • Bugfix: Error in the automatic camera movement when calculating the time.
  • Bugfix: With StringGadget active, it was not possible to switch to any other StringGadget with the mouse.
  • Bugfix: When loading projects the limit was not displayed in some cases.
  • Bugfix: The old color element was still displayed during the color selection.
  • Bugfix: When switching from EasyAssist to expert mode, waypoints are converted to breakpoints if objects or texts are set here.
  • Change: When importing GPS tracks in EasyAssist, the breakpoints are not specified because they are not used.

Updates for Vasco da Gama 11

Vasco da Gama 11.15

Date: 17.10.2018
Update: Vasco da Gama 11.15
File size: approx. 74.3 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. Vasco da Gama 11 Advanced, Vasco da Gama 11 HD Professional and Vasco da Gama 11 HD Ultimate are thus recommended to users. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Included changes in version 11.15:

  • Added: Adjustments for sights 7.
  • Bugfix: CheckObjektIds after loading the project file to show the correct data for newer object packages.
  • Bugfix: With "Change object" the lower preview bar was not set correctly in the ModelRequester.
  • Bugfix: The camera settings were incorrect when the camera was moved with the mouse.

Included changes in version 11.14:

  • Bugfix: Route line was still partially drawn far above ground when two line objects were used.
  • Bugfix: Manual camera mode: If the arrival time at the camera start point was changed and saved, the camera crashed.
  • Bugfix: Under certain circumstances, the previous view data was used when changing a header object.

Included changes in version 11.13:

  • Bugfix: Route line was partly drawn far above the ground when two line objects were used.
  • Bugfix: In some cases the navigation globe was not switched off in the object selection.
  • Bugfix. Other text fade-in and fade-out errors fixed.
  • Bugfix: The camera times during automatic camera work were not correct when relative/absolute times were selected.

Included changes in version 11.12:

  • Bugfix: If no route line was available, it could come to the crash, if a 3D objects were loaded.
  • Bugfix: Text fade in/out does not work.

Included changes in version 11.11:

  • Bugfix: Head object is also displayed immediately at the start point for a hold time, if no insertion is desired.

Included changes in version 11.10:

  • Bugfix: EasyAssist: Camera movement "Simple camera" did not work.

Included changes in version 11.09:

  • Bugfix: Automatic alignment of the head object completely revised once again.
  • Bugfix: Fixed an error when using up to 2500 waypoints.
  • Bugfix: Fixed issue where real waypoints were not transferred correctly from old projects.

Included changes in version 11.08:

  • Bugfix: After changes in the map selection window 3d objects were displayed larger.
  • Bugfix: EasyAssist, the route line could not be switched off.
  • Bugfix: When copying the camera values, not all values were taken into account.

Included changes in version 11.07:

  • Bugfix: Fixed an error when calculating the automatic alignment of the head object.
  • Bugfix: Fixed a minor bug in automatic flight mode.
  • Bugfix: Crash occurred when a picture was used as a header object..
  • Changed: Changed acceleration and deceleration to make camera positioning easier to understand.

Included changes in version 11.06:

  • Bugfix: In rare cases, the copy/paste selection window was only partially or not at all displayed.
  • Bugfix: Hiding previous objects did not work if the object was switched off at the breakpoint.
  • Bugfix: Calculation of the automatic alignment of the header object revised.
  • Bugfix: Header object was not hidden if the header object was deactivated afterwards.
  • Bugfix: Route lines lying on top of each other are now displayed more differentiated.
  • Bugfix: When switching from EasyAssist to Expert mode, the route line was no longer displayed when a waypoint was turned into a breakpoint.
  • Changed: Finer positioning for static texts and objects.
  • Changed: Default size for objects is now 150% so that objects can be seen better.

Included changes in version 11.05:

  • Bugfix: Map data was out of focus.
  • Bugfix: Improved Quicktime output quality.
  • Bugfix: Under certain circumstances, the camera position could not be adopted correctly during manual camera movements.
  • Bugfix: In rare cases the selection window for Easy/Expert Mode was only partially or not at all displayed.
  • Bugfix: Simple camera work did not always calculate the correct camera position.
  • Added: Accelerated video creation for WMV, AVI, VfW, Images, DV.
  • Bugfix: Fixed some cosmetic bugs.

Included changes in version 11.04:

  • Bugfix: The FPS for Quicktime was not transferred correctly with certain values.
  • Bugfix: With the camera settings it could happen in manual camera mode that further route points could be set unintentionally.
  • Bugfix: Changing map crossfades did not work correctly.
  • Bugfix: Only one camera point could cause severe delays or crashes.
  • Bugfix: No projects from VdG11Advanced could be imported into VdG11HDPro/VdG11HDUltimate.
  • Bugfix: Searching for places" could crash in very rare cases.
  • Added: Improved compatibility with Intel HD graphics graphics units.

Included changes in version 11.03:

  • Added: Customize custom maps now supports level 8 (previously only level 6).
  • Bugfix: Fixed a small bug in the camera time calculation for the manual camera.
  • Bugfix: Some older project files (before VdG9) could not be loaded correctly.
  • Added: Revised and improved flight mode.
  • Bugfix: In rare cases, switches from expert mode were displayed in Easy Assist mode.
  • Bugfix: Acceleration and deceleration at camera points could not be switched on/off later.
  • Bugfix: Bug in the VdG11 demo version fixed.

Included changes in version 11.02:

  • Added: Support for old card packages with a 32Bit registry entry.

Included changes in version 11.01:

  • Bugfix: Depth of Field revised and improved.

Updates for Vasco da Gama 10

Vasco da Gama 10.14

Date: 26.01.2018
Update: Vasco da Gama 10.14
File size: approx. 24.3 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. Vasco da Gama 10 Advanced, Vasco da Gama 10 HD Professional and Vasco da Gama 10 HD Ultimate are thus recommended to users. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Included changes in version 10.14:

  • Bugfix: In rare cases, the copy/paste selection window was only partially or not at all displayed.
  • Bugfix: Header object was not hidden if the header object was deactivated afterwards.
  • Bugfix: Route lines lying on top of each other are now displayed more differentiated.

Included changes in version 10.13:

  • Bugfix: Fixed memory leak in UniWriteText3 and UniWriteText4.
  • Bugfix: Simple camera work did not always calculate the correct camera position.

Included changes in version 10.12:

  • Bugfix: Es kam teilweise zur falschen Wahl zwischen EasyAssist und Experten Modus, wenn das Feld nicht angeklickt wurde.
  • Bugfix: Im einfachen Kartenmodus konnten keine dynamischen Bilder geladen werden.

Included changes in version 10.11:

  • Bugfix: Bei relativen/absoluten Zeitangaben wurden teilweise die Route- und Kopfobjektposition nicht korrekt berechnet.
  • Added: KML Support erweitert. Es werden weitere Formate unterstützt.

Included changes in version 10.10:

  • Bugfix: Wenn beim Startfenster ein "vorhandenes Projekt" geladen wurde, dann wurde der Projektname nicht übernommen, wodurch es beim Speichern zu Problemen führen kann.
  • Bugfix: In manchen Fällen wurde das Kopfobjekt nicht an die korrekte Position gesetzt, wenn ein Wegpunkte mit der Maus angeklickt wurde.
  • Bugfix: Kamera Tab: Bei vielen Wegpunkten, die sehr dicht zusammen liegen konnte es in seltenen Fällen zum Absturz kommen.

Included changes in version 10.09:

  • Added: GPX Support erweitert. Es werden jetzt auch mehrere trkseg gelesen und zu einer Route zusammengefasst.
  • Bugfix: In ganz nahen Bereichen wurde die Routelinie in manchen Fällen nicht korrekt angezeigt.
  • Bugfix: Eckige Linienführung funktioniert jetzt wieder.

Included changes in version 10.08:

  • Bugfix: In rare cases, there was a crash on certain projects that were loaded from the start screen.
  • Bugfix: Text error corrected in the German instructions.
  • Bugfix: DualMonitorMode: Copy & Paste window has not been placed correctly.
  • Bugfix: DualMonitorMode: The "set point of view GPS database" switch has not been placed correctly.
  • Bugfix: When using "motion calm", the head object was misplaced on exceeding the dateline (-180° / 180°).

Included changes in version 10.07:

  • Bugfix: In some cases it could happen that head objects move a bit jerky in forward motion.
  • Bugfix: DualMonitorMode: In the Editor view, texts and objects were not correctly shown / hidden in the preview window.
  • Bugfix: DualMonitorMode: When reducing the window size, it could cause a crash.
  • Bugfix: Route lines over very long distances were partially incorrectly calculated.

Included changes in version 10.06:

  • Bugfix: The arrow buttons on the latitude of the camera did not work.
  • Added: ObjectTab extended to 20 products.
  • Bugfix: Small text errors fixed in English

Included changes in version 10.05:

  • Bugfix: EasyAssist: Text input was partly displayed when waypoint was incorrect.
  • Bugfix: Small bug in calculating the distance (splines).

Included changes in version 10.04:

  • Bugfix: VSM6 cards were not displayed in VdG for deletion.
  • Bugfix: In the Camera menu, values for hold time, acceleration and braking were not displayed correctly.
  • Bugfix: Sun position could not be set for a static camera.
  • Bugfix: Easy Assist: When first switching to a static camera before a waypoint is set, no camera view could be chosen.
  • Bugfix: The program crashed when images with GPS data were loaded as an object.

Included changes in version 10.03:

  • Bugfix: Object setting at the end of a route was incorrect.
  • Bugfix: Object setting improved at break points.
  • Bugfix: VdG10 Advanced: serial number recovery did not work properly.

Included changes in version 10.02:

  • Bugfix: The program crashed when images with GPS data were loaded as an object.
  • Bugfix: EasyAssist: the timeline was calculated partially incorrectly.
  • Bugfix: EasyAssist: object was partially not set to the correct position.
  • Bugfix: EasyAssist: It was always possible to see all waypoints, even if they were not part of the current stage.
  • Bugfix: EasyAssist: It was always possible to add more stages, even if no routes were created for it.
  • Bugfix: Objects received partially wrong values if they were directly on the waypoint.
  • Changed: The current object will now always be displayed at the waypoint.
  • Bugfix: When changing from EasyAssist mode to the Expert mode, incorrect symbols for waypoints were partially displayed.

Included changes in version 10.01:

  • Bugfix: When switching from Route to Objects, GUI graphics could carry over.
  • Bugfix: Small adjustment of the GUI tab under Route, the buttons were not aligned properly.

Updates for Vasco da Gama 9

Vasco da Gama 9.19

Date: 19.01.2017
Update: Vasco da Gama 9.19
File size: approx. 59.6 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. Vasco da Gama 9 Advanced, Vasco da Gama 9 HD Professional and Vasco da Gama 9 HD Ultimate are thus recommended to users. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Included changes in version 9.19:

  • Bugfix: VSM6 cards were not displayed in VdG for deletion.
  • Bugfix: Sun position could not be set for a static camera.

Included changes in version 9.18:

  • Bugfix: When using the "static" camera the route line in the camera mode is not always displayed.
  • Bugfix: Small errors in DualMonitor mode fixed which were causing a standstill at two identical time codes from two camera points.

Included changes in version 9.17:

  • Bugfix: It was not possible to switch to camera view in the editor, if "Route 1" was not selected.
  • Bugfix: After previewing, the route was always set to "Route 10". Bug came with V9.16.

Included changes in version 9.16:

  • Bugfix: Start screen threads were not completely terminated, which caused unwanted internet accesses to be established.
  • Bugfix: Header objects sometimes did not adopt the changed settings.
  • Bugfix: "Riga" was not found in the GPS database, because the special character was not recognized.
  • Bugfix: When creating long DirectShow videos, it could happen that the VdG interface would become unresponsive.
  • Bugfix: Canceling the Previews window could cause a crash in rare cases.

Included changes in version 9.15:

  • Bugfix: When setting or deleting camera points, the scroll bar for the mini preview was not recalculated.
  • Bugfix: Maps from a crashed project were not loaded correctly.
  • Bugfix: Starting a "New project" in "Simple map mode" did not display the map correctly at program start-up.

Included changes in version 9.14:

  • Added: Automatic use of high-performance graphics card from NVIDIA and AMD/ATI, if Intel HD Graphics is also available.
  • Rework: Revised start screen, so that even with faulty Internet connection, the program starts.

Included changes in version 9.13:

  • Bugfix: Fixed small bug in the automatic direction of the header object.

Included changes in version 9.12:

  • Bugfix: Importing maps that go beyond 180° latitude.

Included changes in version 9.11:

  • Added: Importing 3D objects in their original size now also available for header and key objects.
  • Added: Alternative height calculation to achieve finer level spacing in the lower regions. "CTRL - W" can be used in older projects to switch between old and new mode.

Included changes in version 9.10:

  • Bugfix: Minor graphics errors in the object selection field fixed.
  • Bugfix: The hold time was added to the subsequent camera point under timing changes in the camera menu, but then not removed again.
  • Added: Importing 3D objects in their original size.
  • Added: If the map cache path for your own maps is not correct, it will automatically search for the right map and reset the path.

Included changes in version 9.09:

  • Bugfix: VdG Advanced: the preview window was not correctly displaying the camera view.
  • Bugfix: There were occasional errors with time correction that caused the camera to jump while playing back.

Included changes in version 9.08:

  • Added: String handler completely revised and improved.
  • Bugfix: When routes were deleted, copies, or moved, it could happen that certain waypoints would disappear, leading to a crash.
  • Bugfix: There was also a memory leak when displaying GUI texts.

Included changes in version 9.07:

  • Bugfix: In editor mode with camera view, there could be a crash if switched to a route not already set up.
  • Bugfix: In simple map mode, there could be a crash when switching to camera view.

Included changes in version 9.06:

  • Added: Small extension for the cartoons package so that a color can be changed even when using textures.

Included changes in version 9.05:

  • Bugfix: When a new project has been created after the program starts, then the fade in/out of a second card did not work.

Included changes in version 9.04:

  • Bugfix: Small text error has been fixed.
  • Bugfix: Graphics card was not detected correctly, thus the route line was not drawn depending on the graphics card.

Included changes in version 9.03:

  • Bugfix: The head object is now displayed correctly at the starting point with hold time.
  • Bugfix: In the editor timeline, the camera view is now recalculated when holding times or fade in/out times are changed.
  • Added: Two other variants of KML can now be downloaded as a GPS track.
  • Bugfix: When starting the programme, "Simple map mode" could not be switched to directly when selecting a new project.
  • Added: Note in the project window that the map mode can only be changed when a new project is created.
  • Bugfix: The time indication of the arrival time was displayed incorrectly in absolute time value.
  • Bugfix: There was still some German text in the instructions in English, French and Italian

Included changes in version 9.02:

  • Added: Italian guide can now also be directly opened from within the program.
  • Added: Home screen with a choice of loading the last project, an old project or starting a new project.
  • Bugfix: Partially incorrect camera views in camera mode after clicking on the preview thumbnails. The camera view and the time did not match each other.
  • Bugfix: In camera mode, the camera setting could not be copied using the keyboard.
  • Bugfix:Sometimes, thee way points were no longer displayed when loading a project.
  • Bugfix: Head objects were partially shown too early (before the actual fade-in) when, previously, there were no head objects on the route.
  • Bugfix: While using the dual-monitor mode, partial changes to the route were not displayed correctly in the preview.
  • Bugfix: At the start and end points, incorrect settings for fading the head object were selected, which led to confusion.
  • Added: The arrow keys (left arrow, right arrow) can now be used to navigate through the timeline in editor mode.
  • Bugfix: In camera mode, the camera view did not changed when using the arrow keys (left arrow, right arrow) to adjust the time.
  • Bugfix: Sometimes in camera mode, a header object was repeatedly reset to an incorrect position.
  • Bugfix: When using the arrow keys or directly counting the way points in editor mode, the time was entered incorrectly and the head object was not correctly placed.
  • Bugfix: In camera mode, using the arrow keys led to unsightly intermediate skipping.
  • Bugifx: Not all values for the first point of the camera were displayed correctly when switching to camera mode.
  • Added: The position of the sun in the editor was improved so that daylight is now also represented at the south pole.
  • Bugfix: If no waypoints were set, the position of the sun was not used, leading to some parts of the earth only being visible in darkness.

Included changes in version 9.01:

  • Bugfix: VdG9 advanced: There were still no waypoints set and clicking "set a viewpoint to a position from the GPS database" lead to a crash.

Updates for Vasco da Gama 8

Vasco da Gama 8.13

Date: 09.12.2015
Update: Vasco da Gama 8.13
File size: approx. 34.6 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. Vasco da Gama 8 Advanced, Vasco da Gama 8 HD Professional and Vasco da Gama 8 HD Ultimate are thus recommended to users. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Changes in version 8.13:

  • Bugfix: In rare cases, the wrong preview image could be the one that was recalculated.
  • Bugfix: There were occasional errors with time correction that caused the camera to jump while playing back.

Included changes in version 8.12:

  • Added: Small extension for the cartoons package so that a color can be changed even when using textures.

Included changes in version 8.11:

  • Bugfix: When a new project has been created after the program starts, then the fade in/out of a second card did not work.

Included changes in version 8.10:

  • Buxfix: The Italian guide could not be directly opened from within the program.
  • Added: Home screen with a choice of loading the last project, an old project or starting a new project.

Included changes in version 8.09:

  • Bugfix: When using line objects, the program can fall into an infinite loop that will prevent any further work.

Included changes in version 8.08:

  • Bugfix: If only one waypoint (starting point) has been set, the program might crash when it moved.

Inluded changes in version 8.07:

  • Change: Bitrate for WMV files increased, resulting in better video quality.
  • Bugfix: Memleak when saving videos is fixed.
  • Bugfix: When creating your own maps with alpha channel a fine black line was partially visible on the right side.

Inluded changes in version 8.06:

  • Bugfix: When using acceleration and deceleration, it could have happened that the shadow disappeared for a short time.
  • Bugfix: Acceleration at the starting point was not functioning properly.
  • Bugfix: By using acceleration and deceleration, it could have happened that the previous segment had moved too quickly.
  • Bugfix: Arrow switch for line width and height was sometimes not analyzed.

Inluded change in version 8.05:

  • Added: A warning window will now appear when the graphics card is not suitable.

Included changes in version 8.04:

  • Bugfix: Automatic camera tracking with relative/absolute route times was calculated incorrectly.
  • Bugfix: VdG8 Advanced projects could not be imported into VdG8 HD Pro / VdG8 HD Ultimate.
  • Added: The camera zoom range has been extended to allow for even closer zooming to ground level. Especially suitable for city trips.
  • Bugfix: VdG8 Advanced: A button was set that is only available in HD Professional which could cause occasional crashing.
  • Bugfix: VdG8 Advanced: The camera calculation was not functioning properly.
  • Bugfix: Some of the flags were not being displayed correctly, depending on the chosen view.
  • Bugfix: The shadows of hidden objects were not being hidden correctly on the route.
  • Change: Significantly improved display of objects with transparent surfaces.
  • Bugfix: VdG8 Advanced: When creating a new project, the wrong default values were entered for the project size.
  • Bugfix: VdG8 Advanced: Crashes could result when changing the project settings.
  • Bugfix: Under certain circumstances, the moon display was unattractively dismembered on the page edges.

Inluded changes in version 8.03:

  • Change: Route shadow can now be switched off.
  • Bugfix: When pasting the camera view, the mini-preview was not updated.
  • Bugfix: Route was not updated when using the "Reverse Route" tool.
  • Bugfix: Some textures for navigating the globe were missing in the ultimate version.
  • Bugfix: When using "relative times," "absolute times" were being displayed.

Included changes in version 8.02:

  • Bugfix: Minor text errors fixed
  • Added: Improved support for Intel HD graphics engines
  • Changed: optimized shader programs to improve line display

Included changes in version 8.01:

  • Bugfix: Import of VdG5HDPro projects does not work.
  • Bugfix: In the advanced version, the "acceleration path" text was displayed in the wrong line.
  • Change: In the "acceleration path" and "brake path", "0%" text is displayed instead of "off" when shifting.
  • Bugfix: The camera mode was always calculated in the Orthodrome mode, even if the Loxodrome setting was used.
  • Change: Changing between "Orthodrome" and "Loxodrome" is now possible even if the line was itself turned off.
  • Bugfix: Showing/ hiding of map layers does not work

Update suitable for:

Vasco da Gama 8 Advanced
Vasco da Gama 8 HD Professional
Vasco da Gama 8 HD Ultimate

Updates for Vasco da Gama 7

Vasco da Gama 7.11

Date: 10.08.2013
Update: Vasco da Gama 7.11
File size: approx. 42.2 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions. Vasco da Gama 7 Advanced, Vasco da Gama 7 HD Professional and Vasco da Gama 7 HD Ultimate are thus recommended to users. To get the version number of your installed program, please see the 'Information' window, which can be opened by clicking the second blue button from the right on the Project toolbar on the lower edge of the screen.

Changes in version 7.11:

  • Bugfix: Camera Azimuth was producing incorrect values when greater than 720° or less than -720°.

Included changes in version 7.10:

  • Bugfix: Static images were not correctly integrated and positioned.

Included changes in version 7.09:

  • Change: Small adjustments when importing new maps allowing geodata from JPG, PNG, BMP, etc. to be read by Vasco StreetMaps 3.

Included changes in version 7.08:

  • Bugfix: Dual monitor mode: In camera mode, the display is shown in the wrong window
  • Bugfix: Dual monitor mode: When creating thumbnails, the window for the progress bar was not displaying correctly.

Included changes in version 7.07:

  • Added: Italian program texts added
  • Added: Italian manual added
  • Bugfix: Fixed incorrect position calculation at -180/180 ° transition
  • Bugfix: When switching from camera mode to route mode, the time bar overlays the area

Included changes in version 7.06:

  • Bugfix: Dynamic light with calculation time "total time" did not work correctly

Included changes in version 7.05:

  • Bugfix: Editor mode: Camera zoom via control dial (GUI) was producing incorrect results
  • Bugfix: Map selection: Could not change the map to be deleted
  • Bugfix: Importing GPS tracks sometimes led to incorrect editor views
  • Bugfix: Camera mode: Camera zoom via control dial (GUI) was producing incorrect results
  • Bugfix: Cache path for additional maps was not being used
  • Change: Small changes to English text
  • Bugfix: ATI / AMD Radeon graphics cards: World maps and especially bright road maps were overilluminated
  • Bugfix: GPS positioning of 3D Stonehenge model was incorrect
  • Bugfix: The shadow was not displayed on some ATI / AMD Radeon graphics cards

Included changes in version 7.04:

  • Bugfix: Camera mode: Hidden waypoints could be deleted with the right mouse button
  • Bugfix: Velocity of animated objects (hop twist, etc) was dependent on the route speed
  • Change: Camera mode: Sun position can now only be specified on camera positions, thus eliminating the hidden points
  • Change: vem files for add-on maps from old directories are now automatically copied to the new directories

Included changes in version 7.03:

  • Bugfix: City names and borders could not be displayed properly after adjusting maps to fit.

Included changes Update 7.02:

  • Bugfix: Card selection window: Card name limited so that texts do not exceed the edge of the window.
  • Bugfix: Card selection window: If ListView is used when selecting a card, the card selection window is not refreshed.
  • Bugfix: If a central point has been selected in the route and then changed to a camera menu, the 'Set camera' button is ghosted and cannot be activated.
  • Bugfix: Copy Camera/Paste Camera are only active when copy/paste is possible.
  • Bugfix: Camera mode: When shifting the timeline it can happen that certain time data shows an incorrect camera setting.
  • Bugfix: Camera mode: Buttons for the setting of sun position were not re-activated if once deactivated.
  • Bugfix: Camera mode: It was not possible to set a sun position.
  • Bugfix: Camera mode: Changing the window size in camera mode could cause the program to crash.
  • Bugfix: Camera mode: Static camera settings could only be changed if the start point was selected in advance.
  • Change: Camera mode: Copy/Paste buttons are inactive in the static camera mode where with only one available camera point.
  • Bugfix: When using several routes, it is possible that hidden head objects have covered other objects, leading to an incorrect view.
  • Bugfix: Text at stopping point: Hide time data/Stop time was adjusted.
  • Bugfix: Instructions: Correction of typing errors and changing of pictures.

Update suitable for:

Vasco da Gama 7 Advanced
Vasco da Gama 7 HD Professional
Vasco da Gama 7 HD Ultimate

Updates for Vasco da Gama 6

Vasco da Gama 6.12

Date: 01.06.2012
Update: Vasco da Gama 6.12
File size: approx. 31.7 MB

This update solves some problems and fixes bugs of the first Vasco da Gama 6 versions. The version number of your program installation you'll find in the program's "information" window. This is called with the second blue button from the right in the project border at the lower edge of the screen.

This update is suitable for:

Vasco da Gama 6 Advanced
Vasco da Gama 6 HD Professional
Vasco da Gama 6 HD Ultimate

Update for Vasco da Gama 5 V5.21

The version number of your program installation you'll find in the program's "information" window. This is called with the second blue button from the right in the project border at the lower edge of the screen.

Date: 29.03.2012
Update: VdG5_Upd_5.21.exe
File size: approx. 55,9 MB

This update is suitable for:

Vasco da Gama 5 Advanced
Vasco da Gama 5 HD Professional

Update for Vasco da Gama 4 HDPro V4.18

The version number of your program installation you'll find in the program's "information" window. This is called with the second blue button from the right in the project border at the lower edge of the screen.

Please notice that you download the appropriate update for your product.

Update for Vasco da Gama 4 HDPro and Vasco da Gama 4 HDPro XXL:

Date: 17.02.2010
Update: VdG4HDPro_Upd_4.18.exe
File size: approx. 16,3 MB

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 12

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 11

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 10

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 9

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 8

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 7

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 6

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 5

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 3

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 2

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 12

Vasco StreetMaps 12.03

Date: 29.08.2024
Update: Vasco StreetMaps 12.03
File size: approx. 4.16 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions.

Included changes in version 12.01

  • Bugfix: A crash occurred when the nature conservation areas were used.

Included changes in version 12.01

  • Changed: Improved display, low databases are only used from MinScaleDenominator>=1000000.

Included changes in version 12.01

  • Bugfix: Lakes and rivers were not displayed in a low map resolution.

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 11

Vasco StreetMaps 11.05

Date: 12.04.2023
Update: Vasco StreetMaps 11.05
File size: approx. 5.4 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions.

Included changes in version 11.05

  • Bugfix: In rare cases, the tiles of the lower lods were not calculated.
  • Bugfix: With older CPUs and MAC emulations the card could not be calculated (no progress).

Included changes in version 11.04

  • Bugfix: In Magix Editor Mode it crashed when clicking on areas in the sea.

Included changes in version 11.03

  • Bugfix: Not all elements were calculated for the Ultimate and Europe version.

Included changes in version 11.02

  • Added: When creating landmasks, the vem file now uses "Landmask" as the layer type.
  • Bugfix: Relief with values greater than 25 was not calculated correctly.
  • Bugfix: "proj" path with "üöä?" Special character was not found.
  • Bugfix: Merged maps in Mercator format had the wrong coordinates.

Included changes in version 11.01

  • Bugfix: Creation of large maps in mode 2 did not work.

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 10

Vasco StreetMaps 10.05

Date: 24.02.2022
Update: Vasco StreetMaps 10.05
File size: approx. 13 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions.

Included changes in version 10.05

  • Bugfix: FindWindow for the Worker reworked.

Included changes in version 10.04

  • Bugfix: Special characters like "üöäß" could not be used for path/file names in mbtiles databases.

Included changes in version 10.03

  • Bugfix: MBTiles could not be created.

Included changes in version 10.02

  • Bugfix: Some footpaths were no longer displayed because they are declared as bicycle paths.
  • Bugfix: For Playground and Zoo the wrong name was displayed in the Style window.

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 9

Vasco StreetMaps 9.03

Date: 05.05.2022
Update: Vasco StreetMaps 9.03
File size: approx. 3.1 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions.

Included changes in version 9.03

  • Bugfix: Windows workaround, with newer Windows versions the calculations are simply stopped.

Included changes in version 9.02

  • Bugfix: Some footpaths were no longer displayed because they are declared as bicycle paths.
  • Bugfix: For Playground and Zoo the wrong name was displayed in the Style window.

Included changes in version 9.01

  • Bugfix: Transparent water does not work with satellite water.
  • Bugfix: In some resolutions switched on railroad lines were not drawn.
  • Bugfix: Preset files were saved with the wrong version identifier, so some settings were not applied correctly when loading.
  • Bugfix: In Easy Edit Mode other colors were displayed when using the height colors.

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 8

Vasco StreetMaps 8.03

Date: 29.05.2020
Update: Vasco StreetMaps 8.03
File size: approx. 3.1 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions.

Included changes in version 8.03

  • Bugfix: In some cases the Mercator signature was not set correctly.

Included changes in version 8.02

  • Bugfix: In rare cases it happened that the relief image was not calculated because the data path was not set correctly.

Included changes in version 8.01

  • Bugfix: When creating the relief, Mercator maps could crash.

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 7

Vasco StreetMaps 7.03

Date: 29.09.2018
Update: Vasco StreetMaps 7.03
File size: approx. 1.9 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions.

Included changes in version 7.03

  • Bugfix: Under certain circumstances, the lat coordinates were rotated, which caused the maps to be incorrect or not created at all.

Included changes in version 7.02

  • Bugfix: Colored elevation and relief calculation did not work in Mercator mode.

Included changes in version 7.01

  • Bugfix: If the VSM window was minimized, then it could happen after a long time that the window content was not updated any more.
  • Bugfix: When using the GPS search in map mode 2 and 3, the tile size was not recalculated, so the maps were not created correctly or not at all.
  • BugFix: If only 1 location was selected for the Multi-GPS search, the system crashed.
  • Bugfix: Mode 3, when creating TIF tiles, the lower tiles were saved as PNG, so VdG could not read them.

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 6

Vasco StreetMaps 6.07

Date: 18.04.2018
Update: Vasco StreetMaps 6.07
File size: approx. 1.9 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions.

Included changes in version 6.07

  • Bugfix: Not all designations for side roads could be switched off.

Included changes in version 6.06

  • Bugfix: Names for secondary roads could not be switched off.

Included changes in version 6.05

  • Added: Special Mercator flag set for Vasco da Gama (version 11 and higher).

Included changes in version 6.04

  • Bugfix: It was not possible to create GeoTiff files when certain Unicode characters were used.
  • Bugfix: The range selection was misplaced for certain card sizes.

Included changes in version 6.03

  • Bugfix: Small texts were missing in the French and Italian translations.

Included changes in version 6.02

  • Bugfix: Crashes could occur in rare cases, because memory was released twice (FreeStdButton).
  • Bugfix: GetTickCount64() is now also compatible with Windows XP.

Included changes in version 6.01

  • Changed: Vasco StreetMaps recompiled so that it can also be launched with older CPUs.

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 5

Vasco StreetMaps 5.04

Date: 18.01.2016
Update: Vasco StreetMaps 5.04
File size: approx. 2.6 MB

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions.

Changes in version 5.04

  • Bugfix: For maps > 16,384 pixels, there could be inaccuracies in calculating the map.
  • Bugfix: Relief maps were sometimes not fully calculated to the right and/or bottom edge.
  • Added: Error messages when there was inadequate memory available.
  • Bugfix: The aspect ratio of maps from the start screen was not being recalculated.

Included changes in version 5.03

  • Bugfix: In rare cases, the system would crash when rendering railway tracks.

Included changes in version 5.02

  • Added: Texts for cars, cafés, hotels, etc. can now be turned off.
  • Bugifx: Small text change: "Landuse" -> "Leisure"

Included changes in version V5.01

  • Bugfix: Wetlands were not displayed on the map.
  • Bugfix: National parks were not displayed on the map.
  • Bugfix: Residential areas were not displayed on the map.
  • Bugfix: Residential areas were not displayed on the map.

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 3

Vasco StreetMaps 3.04

This update remedies a number of minor errors and issues, as well as expanding some functions.

Changes in version 3.04:

  • Bugfix: In Transparent 1, rivers or lakes could be incorrectly released because country data was painted over them.

Included changes in version 3.03:

  • Bugfix: Minor changes to Italian text.

Included changes in version 3.02:

  • Added: Italian-language user interface integrated.
  • Bugfix: When searching for cities in the GPS database, the country could not be selected.
  • Bugfix: GetGPSPoint window: region button was placed incorrectly after a country was selected.
  • Bugfix: The stored geo-reference points could have deviations so that the outcome was not 100% true.
  • Bugfix: The generated XML file contained only floating point geo-data and was therefore inaccurate for smaller resolutions.
  • Added: An additional button for the Undo function was added.

Included changes in version 3.01:

  • Bugfix: Some details of the maps were not displayed correctly and were covered by other elements.

Update suitable for:

Vasco StreetMaps 3 "Ultimate Collection"
Vasco StreetMaps 3 "Europe"
Vasco StreetMaps 3 "Africa, Australia and Oceania"
Vasco StreetMaps 3 "Asia"
Vasco StreetMaps 3 "America"

Date: 19.02.2014
Update: Vasco StreetMaps 3.04
File size: approx. 1.7 MB

Updates for Vasco StreetMaps 2

Vasco StreetMaps 2.03

This update contains the following troubleshoots and improvements:

  • Program windows can now be expanded or reduced as desired.
  • Users with a screen resolution of e.g. 1024x768 pixels can now use Vasco StreetMaps 2 problem-free.
  • Water was not indicated on some maps. This problem has been fixed.
  • Expanded compatibility for GeoTiff.

Update suitable for:

Vasco StreetMaps 2

Date: 15.06.2012
Patch: Vasco StreetMaps 2.03
File size: approx. 1.7 MB

Updates for Flugzeuge & Fluggesellschaften 3

Updates for Sehenswürdigkeiten 5

Patch to install old object packages for Vasco da Gama 5 and Vasco da Gama 6

Aircraft and airline companies 3

Aircraft and airline companies 3.02

With this update, in Vasco da Gama version 9.11 and higher, it is possible to display aircraft in their original size. This feature is especially important for the Airports package to ensure the accuracy of all proportions. In the object selection, there is a new switch below the small preview windows; here you can choose whether the object should be displayed in its original size or as previously displayed. This switch is only displayed for objects that support this new feature.

Important: This update is only suitable for version 3 of Aircraft & Airline Companies!

Date: 03.03.2016
Update: Aircraft and airline companies 3.02
File size: approx. 924 KB

Updates for Sights 5

Sights 5.01 - "Europe-Patch"

  • Bugfix: In the packages "Sights 5 - Europe" and "Sights 5 - Ultimate", the wrong objects were displayed for the last cities in the object list of Vasco da Gama for Europe and the objects were missing in the list for Kiev.

Important: It is mandatory to terminate Vasco da Gama before starting the patch!

Update suitable for:

Sights 5 - Europe
Sights 5 - Ultimate

Date: 27.11.2013
Patch: Sights 5.01 - Europepatch
File size: approx. 1.1 MB

Patch to install old object packages for Vasco da Gama 5 and Vasco da Gama 6

With this patch you can install old object packages for Vasco da Gama 5 and Vasco da Gama 6.

This patch is suitable for:

Landmarks of Europe
Landmarks of North-America
Landmarks of Asia
Landmarks "Complete"
Airplanes and Airline Companies
Airplanes and Airline Companies 2
Ships and Boats

Date: 25.11.2011
Patch: InstallObjects.exe
File size: approx. 2,3 MB